Data partner | UAT IPT |
Data resource | African Herbaria Dataset |
Institution code | Supplied institution code "LBV" |
Catalog number | LBV0000163 |
Occurrence ID | 297052-BID-AF-2020-040-REG |
Basis of record | Preserved specimen |
Identified by | Sosef |
Collector |
, J.J. Wieringa
Supplied as "Wieringa J.J." |
License | CC-BY |
Disposition | donated from LBV |
Field number | 701 |
Language | fr | de | en |
Dynamic properties | {"donated from" : LBV} |
Occurrence remarks | Herb, c. 30 cm high. Stem brownish-green, glabrous, glossy. Leaves juicy leathery, above glossy, dark green, beneath almost dull, paler green, some young leaves with red-green nerves, hairs white, at young leaves at the nerves with red bases. Petioles green to purple-red, with white hairs. Peduncles pale green with white hairs. Bracts purple-red or pale green with purple-red base. Pedicel pale green often reddish-green near the apex. Male flowers: tepals 2, upper one yellow inside, mostly with red lines from the base, outside blood-red to pale red, yellow. The lower tepal inside yellow, outside pink-yellow, or orange-yellow to pale yellow. Both tepals outside with white, red-brown or completely purple-red hairs. Stamens yellow. Anthers with a tiny red line in the middle. Female flowers: tepals see the male flowers, only slightly larger. Ovary broadly elliptic, with 4 wings, purple-green to pale green with pale green to purple hairs. Style 4, fused at their very bases, top deeply splitted with a spiraling stigmatic band, yellow. Stipules pale moss-green to purple. |
Occurrence status | present |
Abcd identification qualifier | Not provided |
Identification verification status | verified |
Parent event ID | |
Field number | 701 |
Occurrence date | 1990-03-17 |
Date precision | Day |
Event remarks | Begonia erectocaulis Sosef |
Event ID | 297052 |
Scientific name |
Ilerdocossus pingquanensis (Ren, Yin & Dou, 1998)
Supplied scientific name "Begonia erectocaulis Sosef" Voir le référentiel |
Original name usage | Begonia erectocaulis Sosef |
Taxon rank | species |
Kingdom |
Supplied as "Plantae" |
Phylum | Arthropoda |
Class | Insecta |
Order | Hemiptera |
Family |
Supplied as "Begoniaceae" |
Genus |
Supplied as "Begonia" |
Species | Ilerdocossus pingquanensis |
Taxonomic issue | No issues |
Name match metric |
Taxon GUID match
The match was based on the supplied taxon concept ID rather than the scientific name. |
Country | Gabon |
Locality | Crystal Mountains, 1 km SE of Tchimbélé. |
Habitat | Primary forest on the bottom of a valley, along stream and against rocks. |
Latitude | 0.616667 |
Longitude | 10.4 |
Geodetic datum |
EPSG:4326 Supplied datum: "WGS84" |
Verbatim locality | Tchimbélé |
Minimum elevation in meters | 980 |
Maximum elevation in meters | 980 |
Coordinate precision | Unknown |
Municipality | Gabon |
Country code | GA |
Organism remarks | Herb, c. 30 cm high. Stem brownish-green, glabrous, glossy. Leaves juicy leathery, above glossy, dark green, beneath almost dull, paler green, some young leaves with red-green nerves, hairs white, at young leaves at the nerves with red bases. Petioles green to purple-red, with white hairs. Peduncles pale green with white hairs. Bracts purple-red or pale green with purple-red base. Pedicel pale green often reddish-green near the apex. Male flowers: tepals 2, upper one yellow inside, mostly with red lines from the base, outside blood-red to pale red, yellow. The lower tepal inside yellow, outside pink-yellow, or orange-yellow to pale yellow. Both tepals outside with white, red-brown or completely purple-red hairs. Stamens yellow. Anthers with a tiny red line in the middle. Female flowers: tepals see the male flowers, only slightly larger. Ovary broadly elliptic, with 4 wings, purple-green to pale green with pale green to purple hairs. Style 4, fused at their very bases, top deeply splitted with a spiraling stigmatic band, yellow. Stipules pale moss-green to purple. |
Test name | Result |
Occurrence status assumed to be present | Warning |
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