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Occurrence record: African Herbaria Dataset - LBV0004377

Specimen of Roccella fuciformis (L.) DC. recorded on 1992-09-17


Data partner UAT IPT
Data resource African Herbaria Dataset
Institution code Supplied institution code "LBV"
Catalog number LBV0004377
Occurrence ID 160854-BID-AF-2020-040-REG
Basis of record Preserved specimen
Collector , J.J. Wieringa
Supplied as "Wieringa J.J."
License CC-BY
Disposition donated from LBV
Field number 1606
Language fr | de | en
Dynamic properties {"donated from" : LBV}
Occurrence remarks Tree, 42 m tall. Base with buttresses up to 2 m, these several meters long (see Wieringa 1050, same tree). DBH (above buttresses) 164 cm, girth 5.16 m. First branch at 16 m height. Bark reddish brown to greyish-brown, fine rugose. Slash 21 mm, orange brown to reddish brown (yellowish-brown?), fibrous. Innerbark (not very clear) cream-yellowish white. Outer wood pale yellow. Cambium pale lemon yellow, quickly getting dark brown. Old wounds with half transparent, yellowish-brown (caramel colour), now dried and hardened, resine. Leaflets thick leathery, above glossy, dark green, beneath slightly glossy, medium greyish-green. Young leaves yellowish-green above, beneath pale yellowish green. Very young leaves sometimes slightly purplish yellowish-green. Young leaves in bud enclosed by purple-brown stipules which get purple red to bloodred when the leaves emerge, on the inner side slightly paler than on the outerside. Stipules drop quickly afterwards. Peduncle greenish, densely covered by brown hairs giving it a greenish-brown overall colour. Bracts outside pale to medium green but especially to the top completely covered by brown hairs, inner side pale green, pale purple to the top. Bracteoles white, outside with brown hairs making the general colour dirty cream-white with a brown central rib. Sepals 0, only presented by some brown hairs. Petal 1, white. Filaments white, but purple at their very bases (especially on the inner side, where the purple forms a ring of 1/2 mm). Anthers dark purple, the outer margins along the slits even almost black. Ovary whitish, but completely covered by pale to medium brown hairs. Style white, with brown hairs up to ca. halfway. Stigma yellow. Ovary and style only a few flowers develloped, in the others present as a dense bundle of hairs. Young fruits green but completely covered by dark brown hairs. Flowers fragrant.nt, yellowish-brown (caramel colour), now dried and hardened, resine. Slides taken of slash, trunk, flowers, young pods and young leaves.
Occurrence status present
Abcd identification qualifier Not provided
Identification verification status verified


Parent event ID
Field number 1606
Occurrence date 1992-09-17
Date precision Day
Event remarks Bikinia pellegrinii (A.Chev.) Wieringa
Event ID 160854


Scientific name Roccella fuciformis (L.) DC.
Supplied scientific name "Bikinia pellegrinii (A.Chev.) Wieringa"
Voir le référentiel
Original name usage Bikinia pellegrinii (A.Chev.) Wieringa
Taxon rank species
Kingdom Fungi
Supplied as "Plantae"
Phylum Ascomycota
Class Arthoniomycetes
Order Arthoniales
Family Roccellaceae
Supplied as "Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae"
Genus Roccella
Supplied as "Bikinia"
Species Roccella fuciformis
Taxonomic issue No issues
Name match metric Taxon GUID match
The match was based on the supplied taxon concept ID rather than the scientific name.


Country Gabon
Locality Rabi-Kounga, Rabi, c. 1 km SE of Shell camp.
Latitude -1.95
Longitude 9.883333
Geodetic datum EPSG:4326
Supplied datum: "WGS84"
Verbatim locality Rabi-Kounga
Minimum elevation in meters 30
Maximum elevation in meters 30
Coordinate precision Unknown
Municipality Gabon
Country code GA

Additional properties

Organism remarks Tree, 42 m tall. Base with buttresses up to 2 m, these several meters long (see Wieringa 1050, same tree). DBH (above buttresses) 164 cm, girth 5.16 m. First branch at 16 m height. Bark reddish brown to greyish-brown, fine rugose. Slash 21 mm, orange brown to reddish brown (yellowish-brown?), fibrous. Innerbark (not very clear) cream-yellowish white. Outer wood pale yellow. Cambium pale lemon yellow, quickly getting dark brown. Old wounds with half transparent, yellowish-brown (caramel colour), now dried and hardened, resine. Leaflets thick leathery, above glossy, dark green, beneath slightly glossy, medium greyish-green. Young leaves yellowish-green above, beneath pale yellowish green. Very young leaves sometimes slightly purplish yellowish-green. Young leaves in bud enclosed by purple-brown stipules which get purple red to bloodred when the leaves emerge, on the inner side slightly paler than on the outerside. Stipules drop quickly afterwards. Peduncle greenish, densely covered by brown hairs giving it a greenish-brown overall colour. Bracts outside pale to medium green but especially to the top completely covered by brown hairs, inner side pale green, pale purple to the top. Bracteoles white, outside with brown hairs making the general colour dirty cream-white with a brown central rib. Sepals 0, only presented by some brown hairs. Petal 1, white. Filaments white, but purple at their very bases (especially on the inner side, where the purple forms a ring of 1/2 mm). Anthers dark purple, the outer margins along the slits even almost black. Ovary whitish, but completely covered by pale to medium brown hairs. Style white, with brown hairs up to ca. halfway. Stigma yellow. Ovary and style only a few flowers develloped, in the others present as a dense bundle of hairs. Young fruits green but completely covered by dark brown hairs. Flowers fragrant.nt, yellowish-brown (caramel colour), now dried and hardened, resine. Slides taken of slash, trunk, flowers, young pods and young leaves.

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