Data partner | UAT IPT |
Data resource | African Herbaria Dataset |
Institution code | Supplied institution code "LBV" |
Occurrence ID | 302158-BID-AF-2020-040-REG |
Basis of record | Preserved specimen |
Identified by | Jongkind C.C.H. |
Collector |
, J.J. Wieringa
Supplied as "Wieringa J.J." |
License | CC-BY |
Disposition | donated from LBV |
Field number | 4132 |
Language | fr | de | en |
Dynamic properties | {"donated from" : LBV} |
Occurrence remarks | Procumbent herb. Leaves papery, upper side somewhat glossy, darkish green, lower side dull, very pale grey. Ovary pale pink. Sepals pale green. Corolla tube pink-red, lobes white. Stigma yellowish white. |
Occurrence status | present |
Abcd identification qualifier | Not provided |
Identification verification status | verified |
Parent event ID | |
Field number | 4132 |
Occurrence date | 2001-01-13 |
Date precision | Day |
Event remarks | Pseudosabicea sthenula N.Hallé |
Event ID | 302158 |
Scientific name |
Sabicea sthenula (N.Hallé) Razafim., B.Bremer, Liede & Saleh A.Khan
Supplied scientific name "Pseudosabicea sthenula N.Hallé" Voir le référentiel |
Original name usage | Pseudosabicea sthenula N.Hallé |
Taxon rank | species |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Phylum | Tracheophyta |
Class | Magnoliopsida |
Order | Gentianales |
Family | Rubiaceae |
Genus |
Supplied as "Pseudosabicea" |
Species | Sabicea sthenula |
Taxonomic issue | No issues |
Name match metric |
Exact match
The supplied name matched the name exactly. |
Name parse type | SCIENTIFIC |
Country | Gabon |
Locality | Forêt des Abeilles, 11 km WSW of Gongué forestry camp. |
Habitat | Primary forest edge along road. |
Latitude | -0.827333 |
Longitude | 11.846333 |
Geodetic datum |
EPSG:4326 Supplied datum: "WGS84" |
Minimum elevation in meters | 300 |
Maximum elevation in meters | 300 |
Coordinate precision | Unknown |
Municipality | Gabon |
Country code | GA |
Organism remarks | Procumbent herb. Leaves papery, upper side somewhat glossy, darkish green, lower side dull, very pale grey. Ovary pale pink. Sepals pale green. Corolla tube pink-red, lobes white. Stigma yellowish white. |
Test name | Result |
Occurrence status assumed to be present | Warning |
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