Data partner | UAT IPT |
Data resource | African Herbaria Dataset |
Institution code | Supplied institution code "LBV" |
Occurrence ID | 309939-BID-AF-2020-040-REG |
Basis of record | Preserved specimen |
Identified by | Jongkind C.C.H. |
Collector | Wilks |
License | CC-BY |
Disposition | donated from LBV |
Field number | 1293 |
Language | fr | de | en |
Dynamic properties | {"donated from" : LBV} |
Occurrence remarks | Arbre 4m, monoaxial, tronc beige clair, aspect écailleux, aux noeuds, tranche rhytidome 1mm beige clair, moelleuse-liégeuse, tranche écorce vivante 0.5mm, vert, bois blanchâtre, creux, haut tronc vert, légèrement cannelé, feuilles opposées papyracées, vertes, dessous vertes claires, aspect froissé, stipules et pétioles verts. Inflorescences axillaires, axes verts, fleurs intérieur blanc, extérieur vert clair à rougeâtre, jeunes infructescences en boules, diamètre 8-16mm, vert clair. |
Occurrence status | present |
Abcd identification qualifier | Not provided |
Identification verification status | verified |
Parent event ID | |
Field number | 1293 |
Occurrence date | 1986-05-20 |
Date precision | Day |
Event remarks | Morinda titanophylla E.M.A.Petit |
Event ID | 309939 |
Scientific name |
Myxopyrum smilacifolium subsp. smilacifolium
Supplied scientific name "Morinda titanophylla E.M.A.Petit" Voir le référentiel |
Original name usage | Morinda titanophylla E.M.A.Petit |
Taxon rank | subspecies |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Phylum | Tracheophyta |
Class | Magnoliopsida |
Order | Lamiales |
Family |
Supplied as "Rubiaceae" |
Genus |
Supplied as "Morinda" |
Species | Myxopyrum smilacifolium |
Taxonomic issue | No issues |
Name match metric |
Taxon GUID match
The match was based on the supplied taxon concept ID rather than the scientific name. |
Country | Gabon |
Locality | route Etéké-Yeno, 8km d'Etéké. |
Habitat | Végétation secondaire, côté route. |
Latitude | -1.633333 |
Longitude | 11.5 |
Geodetic datum |
EPSG:4326 Supplied datum: "WGS84" |
Verbatim locality | Gabon, Ngounié |
Coordinate precision | Unknown |
Municipality | Gabon |
Country code | GA |
Organism remarks | Arbre 4m, monoaxial, tronc beige clair, aspect écailleux, aux noeuds, tranche rhytidome 1mm beige clair, moelleuse-liégeuse, tranche écorce vivante 0.5mm, vert, bois blanchâtre, creux, haut tronc vert, légèrement cannelé, feuilles opposées papyracées, vertes, dessous vertes claires, aspect froissé, stipules et pétioles verts. Inflorescences axillaires, axes verts, fleurs intérieur blanc, extérieur vert clair à rougeâtre, jeunes infructescences en boules, diamètre 8-16mm, vert clair. |
Test name | Result |
Occurrence status assumed to be present | Warning |
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